ESTA application by smartphone

ESTA application by smartphone

ESTA application by smartphone

Before applying for ESTA by smartphone

As use of smartphones and tablets spreads rapidly in recent years, people who apply for ESTA using such devices are increasing.
On the other hand, more of those who normally would have approved for ESTA authorization with no problem have found their applications placed on hold or rejected as a result of errors when entering information by smartphones or tablets. Notes below are something to prepare or to pay attention for those who would like to apply ESTA by smartphone or tablet. Especially for those who do not have personal computer at home, those who would like to keep all information together on one device, those who are more accustomed to smartphone, or any other reasons.

Things to prepare when applying for ESTA by smartphone

You will need the following information:

The passport number of a valid passport with an IC chip
A credit card (does not need to be in the applicant’s name)
Address, telephone number, and other information on your accommodations or where you will stay
Employer address, telephone number, etc. (if applicable)

① Check and make a note of your passport number and other information thoroughly in advance.② The necessary costs applying for ESTA must be paid by credit card. There is no effect on ESTA screening itself or making a payment even if the name on the credit card is different from the applicant’s. Since it would take some time to look up the information ③ and ④ while filling out the application, we recommend making a note of it before applying by smartphone or tablet. In addition, smartphones and tablets have smaller screens than PCs,therefore it is easy to make mistakes when entering information, and tend to be more likely to not to realize the mistakes when checking the information they entered.
Please be especially careful not to enter incorrect information, and be sure to check your entries thoroughly to make sure that all information is correct and complete when applying for ESTA by smartphone or tablet.

Notes on applying by an email address from a mobile-phone carrier

If your device is set to reject email sent from PC addresses, disable that setting temporarily
Temporarily disable the SPAM filter, if any.

Many users’ smartphones and tablets are set to reject email sent from PC addresses and set with SPAM filters enabled from the time of purchase. After you apply for ESTA, notice of the results of ESTA screening will be sent from the PC email address of ESTA Application Provide Site. If your device is set to reject email sent from PC addresses to block SPAM, please disable that setting temporarily so that you can receive emails from PC addresses.

Change the device settings to be able to receive the email notifying you of the results of ESTA screening, and once you have received notice of the results of ESTA authorization, you may change the settings back to reject email sent from PC addresses.

Three points on applying for ESTA by smartphone

1. Be sure to complete the application at least three days prior to travel

Although in most cases you can check the results of your application within three days, or 72 hours, after applying for ESTA, in rare cases, such as when access is heavy or the server is down, it may take longer. Apply for ESTA early, as soon as your travel plans have been decided.

More information for ETSA application deadline, please check here.

2. Make a note of the passport number of your valid passport in advance

A passport number is required when applying for ESTA. The application cannot be filled out without a passport number.
Make a note of the passport number of your valid passport in advance.
When applying by a smartphone or tablet, be careful to avoid any mistakes while entering information and check all items after entering them.

3. Make a note of addresses and contact information in advance

It can take a time longer than you expected to fill out the application while looking up addresses and contact information on a smartphone or tablet. To facilitate smooth ESTA application by shortening the time required and preventing mistaken entries, make a note of your contact information in advance.
You can apply for ESTA by smartphones or tablets even if you do not have a personal computer. However, doing so often may lead to mistakes such as typos, entry of passport numbers in the incorrect number of digits, or entering numbers instead of letters or vice-versa.
If you plan to apply for ESTA by smartphone or a tablet, review the three points above and be sure to set aside enough time to apply and prepare for travel.

entry Apply for ESTA here

UPDATE : 2024/09/19